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- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 08:27:48 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #129
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Thu, 29 Sep 94 Volume 12 : Issue 129
- Today's Topics:
- [*] All Midi 1.0 ; a MIDI to QuickTime convertor
- [*] ColorKnit 3.0.7; a design utility for knitters
- [*] commsService; a "rolodex" like communications facility
- [*] Dreamland Lite 2.5; a First Class Board in the 718 area code
- [*] First Things First 3.0.11 Update/Demo
- [*] GLMStat 1.2.3; a statistics application
- [*] Graf 2.1.0; a scientific plotting program
- [*] jims-demoCDEF-v120; example control definitions
- [*] Kay_Darling_Multimedia_Sampler [repost]
- [*] LinksToMac; convert DOS golf courses to Mac format
- [*] MacFIBS 1.0; the First Internet Backgammon Server
- [*] MailConverter 1.4; converts variopus formats to SMTP
- [*] mosaicon-111-hc; a game
- [*] SoundHandle10; a sound sample editing utility
- [*] Village font
- 840AV extension mayhem
- [Q] How to automatically click the default button in a dialog
- Atari ST emulator for the Mac ?
- Autodoubler vs. Full Impact 2.0.3s
- Common Ground (A)
- Common Ground - not the best for Mac
- CPU 1.0.1 and Norton 3.0 Shutdown Conflict?
- Flickering Greys and Fish Underbellies
- HD on Mac from student lab asks for password: how to remove ?
- Help (with Eudora etc...)
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #127 (2 msgs)
- LaserWriter 630 Printer
- Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted (reply)
- Mac IIci cache cards (A)
- MacMakeIndex (R)
- MacWEEK News article retrieval
- Network names and RevRdist (2 msgs)
- Newton mailing list
- Problem printing large files
- Strange sounding 660AVs
- Sys 7.5 &CTB VT100 bug, or Duo problem
- system 7.5 heap
- VM on PowerMacs
- Warbling speech manager voices
- World Script (A)
- WriteNow4 - comments?
- Xyplex/TIA/SLIP: Problems sending Eudora email, Mosaic freezes (Q)
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 17:05:58 -0500
- From: paulcho@io.org (Paul C.H. Ho)
- Subject: [*] All Midi 1.0 ; a MIDI to QuickTime convertor
- All Midi 1.0 940928
- Copyright(c)1994 Paul C.H. Ho and Pink Elephant Technologies. All
- rights reserved.
- This is Freeware.
- The fastest way to convert MIDI files to QuickTime Movies. No
- need to change file type and press all those "Convert..." and
- "Options..." button, just drag and drop!
- All Midi convert general MIDI files to QuickTime music movies.
- + Batch processing: Drag and drop files or folder to the All Midi
- Icon for automatic convert.
- + Identify Midi file by content: You can drop a Midi file with
- any file type/creator/extension. All Midi will convert Midi files
- base on its content, and ignore non-midi files. No need to change
- file type.
- + Hold down option key before each convert to access the
- Rearranget MIDI instruments dialog.
- + You can play the converted movie with my shareware program
- QuickMovie or any other QuickTime movie player under QT 2.0.
- QuickMovie allow you to rearrange MIDI instruments after
- convert.
- System Requirements
- + System 7 or later.
- + QuickTime 2.0 or later.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/all-midi-10.hqx; 13K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 12:50:27 -0500
- From: Elaine Benfatto <benfatto@netcom.com>
- Subject: [*] ColorKnit 3.0.7; a design utility for knitters
- ColorKnit is a simple grid-based program to help knitters create designs
- and give them an accurate preview of how they will look when knitted up.
- Elaine Benfatto "An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy
- benfatto@netcom.com of being called an idea at all."
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/color-knit-307.hqx; 135K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 07:11:17 +1000
- From: tim.barlow@lib.utas.edu.au
- Subject: [*] commsService; a "rolodex" like communications facility
- commsService is a easy-to-use, point-and-click shareware application for
- the Macintosh that provides a "rolodex" like communications facility. The
- application provides facilities for recording the details of commonly used
- communications connections/sessions as a series of parameters on an
- individual "card". Once the details have been recorded the name of the
- card (connection/session) then appears in a scrolling list on the menu
- screen. Repeated connections may then be made simply by double clicking on
- the name of the required connection in the scrolling list.
- The ease of use of the interface and the power of the scripting language
- make this an ideal communications application for the classroom and/or
- computer lab.
- The details recorded on a communications "card" are referred to as a
- "service". A service is defined as any process running on a local or
- remote computer, eg. an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) or a Campus
- Wide Information System (CWIS). Each service is uniquely defined via a
- series of 15 parameters that describe attributes such as the name, the
- method used to connect to the service, the login and logout scripts, etc.
- The application permits multiple, simultaneous sessions to be active at any
- one time. A typical session might therefore include a serial connection to
- your local OPAC in one window, whilst another window displays information
- from a CWIS, and a third displays a remote network connection to a second
- The application utilises the power of HyperCard's scripting language,
- HyperTalk to provide a powerful communication scripting facility. It
- achieves this by defining a series of communication specific language
- extensions that enable scripts to communicate directly with services.
- commsService is based upon Apple's Communications Toolbox technology,
- consequently connectivity is only limited by the range of Connection and
- Terminal Emulation tools that are available on your machine. (NB. The
- application comes bundled with several tools including a public domain
- tcp/ip/telnet tool and Apple's VT102 terminal emulation tool).
- commsService is AppleScriptable.
- Once a series of services have been defined, a copy of the application may
- be made and then "locked" to prevent access to the service definition
- cards. This is particularly useful for those circumstances where the end
- users are to be prevented from seeing/modifying the service details.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/term/comms-service-201-hc.hqx; 951K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 15:40:53 -0400
- From: Backup Moderator <backmod>
- Subject: [*] Dreamland Lite 2.5; a First Class Board in the 718 area code
- Dreamland
- New York City, U.S.A.
- A FirstClass Board in the 718 area code
- * Free Membership * Macintosh Files * Adult File Access with proof of age *
- Diversified Conferences and Related Files * Colorful Graphical Interface
- for both Macintosh and Windows Users * High Speed Modem Access * "File
- Finders" Service- You want it, we'll find it. * Online Artist Portfolio's *
- Member Created Conferencing * If you're looking for something different...
- Use your modem to call (718) 449-8823
- These minimal settings will get you where you want to go, but the full
- settings (900k) are *much* nicer to look at and hear. When you arrive at
- our board, please download the full settings as soon as possible.
- You'll need the FirstClass Client 2.5 or better to use these settings.
- Dreamland offers diverse and exciting areas such as Coney Island,
- Holocaust, Lego!, Adults Only and Bizarro.
- We know you'll like it, so log on today!
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/first-class-dream-land-lite-25.hqx; 474K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 14:16:12 -0500
- From: Peter J Roberts <proberts@world.std.com>
- Subject: [*] First Things First 3.0.11 Update/Demo
- Enclosed is an archive containing First Things First 3.0.11 which I
- downloaded from America On Line. It is a later version than what seems
- to be in the sumex archives. This archive contains the extension and its
- set of clocks. A sample comparison of resources indicates that the
- clocks have been updated since v3.0.8 although there is no version number
- assigned to any of them.
- The archive is both an update for current owners of FTF 3.0.x and a demo
- for those who do not own FTF 3.0.x. The demo will show the clock and
- allow limited reminder activity. Current owners can continue to use
- their serial number on this version.
- For me, I wish I had known that this update existed earlier (it is circa
- 1993). Since installation my very complex system configuration has
- become very stable. Prior to installation I had regular, seemingly
- random, crashes. It seems that v3.0.8 corrupted memory.
- I have no business connection with the FTF folks.
- Pete Roberts pjroberts@aol.com
- MacPartners Development proberts@world.std.com
- (617)332-5082 (Voice) (617)965-7425 (Fax)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/first-things-first-3011-updt-demo.hqx; 370K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 11:39:55 +1000
- From: CGACB@cc.newcastle.edu.au
- Subject: [*] GLMStat 1.2.3; a statistics application
- GLMStat is a statistical program for analysing generalised linear models.
- It provides a macintosh interface but otherwise operates in a similar
- fashion to GLIM but with less features (most of which you probably won't
- miss). Features of GLMStat are
- - spreadsheet style data entry
- - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and
- specification of convergence parameters
- - Scatter and Residual plots
- - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter
- correlations
- - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications.
- - printing of data, graph and results.
- - Online Help (under the apple menu) unfortunately there is currently no
- other documentation.
- - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts.
- The programme is shareware with a very reasonable fee of $AUD30 for
- individual copies or $AUD120 for site licences. ($1AUD is
- approximately $US0.70). Further details in the "read me" file.
- Unregistered copies are initially fully functional but after 28th
- February 1995 unregistered copies will have Save, Save As, Import and Paste
- disabled.
- This version of GLMStat (1.2.3) has the following changes
- - Improved fitting algorithm using LINPACK routines.
- - Fixed bug which caused conversion of estimates display to text to be
- incorrect for aliased parameters (ie when copying to clipboard).
- - Pad out parameter names in estimates display with blanks when converting
- to text to produce neater display.
- - Fixed bug which caused incorrect design matrix to be generated when
- only a single multifactor term in model (ie a.b.c instead of a*b*c)
- - Corrected bug which would have caused errors in reading files from
- future versions of GLMStat.
- Version 1.3 with User Manual should be available this year or early next
- year.
- Ken Beath
- cgacb@cc.newcastle.edu.au (during 1994 only)
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/glm-stat-123.hqx; 240K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 14:11:17 -0500
- From: Ralph Sutherland <ralph@zwicky.Colorado.EDU>
- Subject: [*] Graf 2.1.0; a scientific plotting program
- Graf is a freeware scientific plotting program whose original
- development was with help from the AUDF in Australia. It allows you
- to plot free form data files (as TEXT files) from many sources including
- files with LF characters from mainframes. It knows about FORTRAN
- double precision 'd' exponent notation as well. It can open as many
- data files as memory allows and they can have as many data points
- as you have memory for as well. The interpreter is general, but the
- interface currently limits you to 99 columns.
- Cheers
- Ralph Sutherland Boulder, Sept. '94
- email: ralph@zwicky.colorado.edu
- ralph@madras.anu.edu.au
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/graf-210.hqx; 280K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 13:17:02 -0800
- From: jims@wrq.com (Jim Stout)
- Subject: [*] jims-demoCDEF-v120; example control definitions
- It is a collection of 10 CDEF (Control Definition) resources and some
- bits of source code to demo their use.
- ID Name Function
- 100 GroupBox titled box, text in upperleft
- 101 PopUp Menu System 7 style popup menu control
- 102 Spinner "little arrows" control
- 103 Date & Time Date & Time control using "little arrows"
- 104 Tog Button new type of "one or many" control
- 105 HSlider horizontal slider control
- 106 VSlider vertical slider control
- 107 3D Buttons 3d replacement for the standard button CDEF
- 108 Progress Bar "thermometer" or "barber pole" progress indicators
- 109 TabPanel "Tab Panel" control as in MSWord
- The source for the "3D Buttons" CDEF is included, along with some utility
- routines common to all of the CDEF's. A test harness to allow source level
- debugging is also included.
- Changes in v120 are:
- - All work correctly in multiple monitor setups
- - TabPanel control now can have up to 5 rows of 4 tabs each.
- - All controls have a 3D variation.
- - Slider controls will call an actionProc if set.
- - Arrow (Spinner) & DateTime control now have 3D arrows.
- - All controls "tweaked" to work correctly with TrackControl
- in non-dialog windows.
- - many enhancements to the demoCDEF program to show:
- : Fractional increment in Spinner controls
- : "Live" display of control values for Sliders
- : Reset of DateTime controls to current time.
- : Linking of a Spinner control to Progress bar.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/jims-demo-cdefs-120.hqx; 140K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 11:14:14 EST
- From: Nicholas_Woolridge@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] Kay_Darling_Multimedia_Sampler [repost]
- Kay Darling
- by Laura MacDonald and Alex Pugsley (*1994)
- Online Sampler (*1994 by Nicholas Woolridge)
- In this archive you will find a interactive online sampler of the novel Kay
- Darling, by Laura MacDonald and Alex Pugsley. One partial and two complete
- chapters are included, as well as some original visual material of several
- of the locales mentioned in the book.
- Kay Darling is the story of three frantic urbanites making their way in the
- wilds of Toronto: Kay Prichard, an "uptight-straight-white-girl from New
- Brunswick"; Claire, "Kay's spirited but spiritually disorganized younger
- sister"; and Will, "a gay actor and Kay's long-time confidante."
- To run this online sampler, you will need a colour-capable Macintosh
- computer with a 13" or greater monitor, and 5 megabytes of RAM or more (it
- may work with less, but no guarantees).
- Please send inquiries and comments on the novel or the online sampler to
- one of the following addresses, and I'll pass on relevant info to the
- authors. Internet:
- Nick_Woolridge@magic.ca
- or on CompuServe at:
- 70373,3715
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/kay-darling.hqx; 1507K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 08:06:23 PDT
- From: "Rich Love" <richlove@netcom.com>
- Subject: [*] LinksToMac; convert DOS golf courses to Mac format
- Copyright 1994 Carnation Software, Inc.
- By Rich Love
- LinksToMac reads Links 386 DOS golf course disks and converts them to Links
- Pro for Macintosh courses. You simply insert the DOS disks into your Mac and
- LinksToMact does all the work for you. It will automatically find the 386
- courses on DOS disks and ignore the older Links courses.
- What You Need:
- Any Macintosh.
- 2 Megs of free memory.
- 2 to 3 Megs of free disk space for each course you want to install.
- System 6.05 or later.
- Macintosh PC Exchange or similar INIT to enable your Mac to read DOS disks.
- Super Drive
- Links course disks containing a Links 386 course.
- -- Rich Love Carnation Software, Inc.
- MacToPic and SBMac - Macintosh to Host connectivity and file transfer.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/links-to-mac-112.hqx; 124K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 18:19:16 -0800
- From: pferguson@kaleida.com (Paul Ferguson)
- Subject: [*] MacFIBS 1.0; the First Internet Backgammon Server
- With MacFIBS, you can play backgammon with other players around the world
- on FIBS, the First Internet Backgammon Server.
- MacFIBS provides a multi-window, graphical front end to FIBS, vastly
- superior to the "dumb terminal" telnet scrolling text format that FIBS uses
- underneath. It makes excellent use of sound to reinforce the backgammon
- playing experience. It's virtual backgammon the Macintosh Way.
- MacFIBS is freeware, and requires a color Macintosh and MacTCP. See you on
- --fergy
- (pferguson@aol.com)
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/mac-fibs-10.hqx; 710K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 21:06:19 -0400
- From: Richard Shapiro <macrshap@BBN.COM>
- Subject: [*] MailConverter 1.4; converts variopus formats to SMTP
- MailConverter converts mmdf and babyl mail files, and NewsWatcher save
- files, into sendmail format, suitable for use with Eudora. It will also
- burst Eudora
- digests (if properly formatted).
- Numerous changes have been made since 1.3, too many to list here, but one
- is very important: Apple didn't give me my first choice of signature (or my
- second)
- so all earlier versions of MailConverter use a signature that presumably
- belongs
- to someone else. These earlier versions should probably be trashed, just to
- be safe. 1.4 has an officially registered, proper signature -- and many
- improvements and bug fixes.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/mail-converter-14.hqx; 45K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 10:14:31 EST
- From: Backup Moderator <backmod>
- Subject: [*] mosaicon-111-hc; a game
- Mosaicon is a game in 256 colors on HyperCard 2.0 (or 2.1), which includes the
- Xcmd Colorizing HyperCard of BUNG DABBA.
- Before opening the stack, allot the maximum of Ram you can to HyperCard.
- Install the fonts CouRier, Helvetica, Symbol & Times in your system.
- The game is very easy : you have to draw a mosaic with 6 colors (at least) on a
- checkerboard by moving a cursor. This places a different color each time you
- move it according to the direction it gets.
- You can create (Drawing mode) or recreate (Playing mode) a mosaic, save it,
- display it where when and as you want, play a blind game, with a limited number
- of moves, a limited time, bonus/malus, inversion of moves I
- You can also entirely customize the game and choose your cursor, background
- color, checkerboard, pieces, keys for moving cursor, differents sounds to play
- with I
- Have a good time !
- Dogliani Patrick
- dogliani@mimosa.unice.fr
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/mosaicon-111-hc.hqx; 1968K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 12:44:11 -0500
- From: dev1@gte.com (Dale Veeneman)
- Subject: [*] SoundHandle10; a sound sample editing utility
- This application allows you to record, play, display, analyze, modify and save
- sound samples. You can also generate waveforms, read 'snd ' resources from
- other applications, save sounds as System 7 sound files and convert sounds to
- and from ASCII text files. The application operates somewhat like a text
- editor, allowing you to cut and paste portions of sounds at will (including
- between multiple windows). Frequency spectra may be displayed, as well as
- gray-scale or full-color spectrograms. Modifications such as reversing, adding
- echo, amplitude scaling, resampling (changing the bandwidth/sampling rate),
- time scaling (changing the rate of play without changing the pitch) and
- frequency scaling (changing the pitch without changing the rate of play) are
- possible. The waveforms may be printed or copied to the clipboard as PICT's,
- there to be pasted into other applications.
- SoundHandle requires System 7, was compiled only for the Motorola 68000 family
- and supports 8-bit, monophonic sounds. (Someday, perhaps it will support the
- newer 16-bit, stereo sound format and be compiled for the PowerMac.) If
- available, it uses the FPU for intensive signal processing operations. For
- help, see the About Box.
- This application may be used freely, however it is copyrighted and is not in
- the public domain. Send bug reports to dveeneman@gte.com.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/sound-handle-10.hqx; 147K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 13:45:43 -0500
- From: mheiman@carleton.edu (Mark F. Heiman, Information Coordinator)
- Subject: [*] Village font
- This font was designed to closely resemble that used in the cult TV classic
- "The Prisoner," created by and starring Patrick McGoohan. The letterforms
- are mostly based on the "Albertus" typeface, with a few modifications and
- special characters.
- This archive contains both TrueType and Type 1 Postscript versions of the
- font.
- Village is freeware. It may be used and distributed at no cost.
- Mark F. Heiman
- mheiman@carleton.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/font/village.hqx; 116K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 18:58:54 -0500
- From: takats@minerva.cis.yale.edu (Sean P.E. Takats)
- Subject: 840AV extension mayhem
- During startup, the extension icons on my 840AV do not line up properly and
- overlap, making it difficult to see which extensions are loading. Not a
- major problem, but annoying. Anyway to fix this? Thanks.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 16:40:02 PDT
- From: Deepak Seth <deepaks@microsoft.com>
- Subject: [Q] How to automatically click the default button in a dialog
- Hi,
- I am trying to find a way to click the OK (or default) button in a Mac
- Application's dialog automatically. I need to do this because I am
- trying to Automate the process of approving this dialog in my task. Is
- there any application or extention that will allow me to do this. If
- not how could I do this programmitically (applescript, keyquencer, mpw
- shell, c ??)
- thanks for your help,
- Deepak Seth
- (deepaks@microsoft.com)
- Disclaimer: All opinions expressed above are my own.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 06:58:38 +0100
- From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
- Subject: Atari ST emulator for the Mac ?
- Is there any Atari ST emulator for the Mac ?
- Thanks
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 21:59 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: Autodoubler vs. Full Impact 2.0.3s
- Dear Info-mac readers,
- After years of problems with Full Impact, I finally isolated the bug causing
- its files to corrupt quite often. Full Impact 2.0.3 (FI) should have its
- accompanied Untitled file deleted every time it gets used. In addition, if
- you use Autodoubler 2.0.4 (AD), don't allow AD to compress FI documents or FI
- itself. Otherwise FI will crash, and corrupt the files that are open while
- it crashes. This may be true of other files that crash while using
- Autodoubler, so if you have it installed, that may be one place to look if a
- file or application appears to corrupt. If that happens, reinstall the
- application into a folder that is excluded in the AD settings, and
- set the folder that has that application's documents also excluded from
- AD. Hope this helps anyone out there who uses AD, or any other file level
- compression program.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 13:39:14 -0500
- From: forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes)
- Subject: Common Ground (A)
- "Does anyone know anything about a program named "Common Ground". I've
- heard of it, and I'll tell you why I'm interested...I'd like to be able to
- distribute a publication which has been layed out in something like
- PageMaker or QuarkXPress..."
- Yes, Common Ground is probably your best bet, at least if you use
- PostScript fonts. Send your files to Mac users with the Mac mininviewer
- embedded, to Windows users with the Windows miniviewer embedded. The view
- on screen will be pretty much indistinguishable from what you see in the
- creating app, and the print quality is about DeskWriter inkjet level.
- The main alternatives are Adobe Acrobat, Farallon Replica and WordPerfect
- Envoy. You'll have to wait until version 2 of Acrobat before you can send
- your readers a free viewer. Replica and Envoy work best with TrueType
- fonts: Replica creates 4x bitmaps of Type 1 fonts, and the print output is
- not good (unless the recipient has the same fonts installed on his/her
- machine), while Envoy tries to match with currently installed Type 1 fonts
- - hopeless if any of your fonts are "unusual", eg a math font or an Asian
- language font. Neither the Mac Replica nor the Mac Envoy can create
- Windows-readable files. (On the other hand, if your fonts are all TrueType
- or straight Type 1 text fonts, an Envoy file with embedded viewer is most
- fun for the recipient - it's got the best collection of tools. Graphics
- printing is not great, tho'.)
- You can get some idea of what CG can do by downloading the full
- documentation for NCSA Mosaic
- (http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/MacMosaic/Docs), or else an issue of
- Apple Customer Services's biweekly newsletter InfoAlley
- (http://www.info.apple.com/info.alley/info.alley.html, or gopher to
- info.hed. apple.com/apple.support.area). Because of some printing glitches,
- I suspect that my version of the Mosaic documentation was created with
- Common Ground 1.0 rather than 1.1.
- There is also a portable digital document program called WorldView from
- InterLeaf, but apparently InterLeaf doesn't want anyone to know about it.
- And then there's Apple's contribution, PDD Maker GX, which comes with
- System 7.5 (and so in some sense is "free"), but only users of GX can open
- the files you create with it.
- Common Ground will cost you a little less than $100 mail order.
- Graeme Forbes
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 13:44:39 EST
- Subject: Common Ground - not the best for Mac
- From: sfkaplan@amherst.edu (Scott Kaplan)
- Subject: Common Ground
- In IM V12 #127, Scott Kaplan asks about Common Ground. The main adavantage of
- Common Ground is its cross-platform utility. In other words, Mac, DOS, and
- other platforms can view the same document with a machine specific reader.
- However, if your readers will be on just Macs, then Common Ground is
- unequivocally inferior to DOCMaker from Green Mountain Software. DocMaker is a
- shareware program that creates standalone documents. Examples can be found in
- the some of the periodicals available at Info-Mac, such as the Ambrosia Times
- and the Inside Mac Games issues. Perhaps the main advantage of DocMaker
- documents is the presence of a table of contents menu which allows the reader
- to easily move about the document. The one major Common Ground document that
- I've viewed (the MacMosaic documentation guide) does not have this feature.
- Another program for generating stand alone documents that can be viewed with
- the original application is Print-to-Pict 3.5 with its PostCard accessory.
- This works very easily from within the Chooser. Instead of printing to a paper
- output device, you "print" to a PostCard file (or for that matter to any of a
- number of formats, including Pict files).
- Bruce Troen
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 20:08:16 -0800
- From: htodd@leech.q7.com (Hisashi T Fujinaka)
- Subject: CPU 1.0.1 and Norton 3.0 Shutdown Conflict?
- CPU won't shut down my Mac now that I've installed the new Norton
- Utilities. (or is it SUM?) I've turned off the periodic disk checking, but
- it still doesn't shut down the Mac. Anyone know anything?
- Hisashi T Fujinaka (htodd@leech.q7.com)
- My name is Inigo Montoya, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:09:58 +0200
- From: michaels@techunix.technion.ac.il (Dr. Michael S. Silverstein)
- Subject: Flickering Greys and Fish Underbellies
- I asked this before and received no response, so I am going to try again:
- I used a grey background on my Sony Trinitron 14" monitor for several
- years. Recently I noticed that there were tiny dots flickering all over the
- place. I changed to a pink background and the flickering stopped, although
- there a sometimes red dots where there should be pink.
- Now when the fish emerge on my screensaver then all the coloured fish are
- fine but the underbellies of the grey fish flicker in the same way and the
- flickering moves with the fish, i.e. it is not restricted to a particular
- place but appears wherever the grey is.
- I pushed the degauss button, but no luck there.
- Anyone have any idea what this is? What I can do about it? How long I have
- before my monitor goes kerblooie (the problem is several months old...)?
- Thanks, in advance, for any help...
- M.S. Silverstein
- Materials Engineering
- Technion
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 09:07:42 -0600
- From: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx (Juan M. Courcoul)
- Subject: HD on Mac from student lab asks for password: how to remove ?
- Here goes another war story for the annals of student lab administration...
- Early today we discovered a Mac Classic II from our student lab that asks
- for a password before mounting the hard disk. We do not use any such
- software on any Mac on campus: apparently some enterprising student who
- wanted a Mac all for himself must have installed some sort of passwording
- program.
- Since we don't know the password, we attempted to boot from a floppy, only
- to have the thing ask for the password again. Since we cannot provide it,
- the startup continues, but the hard disk is not mounted. Trying to mount it
- using HD Setup or SCSIProbe doesn't work, with the program announcing that
- there is no SCSI drive on the bus. The guys on our Service Center had a
- crack at it using their service tools, with no success.
- What can we try to regain use of the machine ? Reformatting the hard disk
- is ok with us; what we want is to be able to use the machine again !
- TIA for any tips or tricks.
- Juan
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 22:04:12 -0400 (EDT)
- From: ggw@wolves.durham.nc.us (Gregory G. Woodbury)
- Subject: Help (with Eudora etc...)
- > some difficulties. I have a Macintosh with a PPP connection, and am using
- > NewsWatcher 1.0b13 for a newsreader and Eudora 1.4 for a mail reader. The
- > difficulty seems is with changing the "from" line. It seems there may also
- > be future difficulty making and "approved" entry into the header. The last
- > test I sent in which I redirected the message using Eudora had a (by Dave)
- > attached to the "from" line.
- Notwithstanding the twit replies (like "go get a real account") there
- are some suggestions to make.
- Eudora has a whole mess of "preferences" and options that affect its
- behaviour, especially with respect to the headers of messages. You need
- to examine the preferences and setups to make sure that it inserts your
- proper email address in the message.
- Newswatcher also has it particular strangenesses, but it should allow you to
- manipulate the articles to the extent that you can insert an approved header
- when necessary - you again may need to adjust the preferences options to get
- it to do what you want.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 16:06:56 -0600 (MDT)
- From: Ed=Jacobs%InfoTech%MSCD@smtpsrvr.mscd.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #127
- We have an OS/2 machine running a Lotus Notes server. I cannot connect to the
- notes server via ethernet. Is their something special about OS/2 that has to
- be setup so that macs can find it on the network.
- All of our network programs don't list the server as a node on the network.
- Please E-mail me DIRECTLY at EDJ@zeno.mscd.edu
- Edward Jacobs
- Macintosh Lab Coordinator
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 17:25:40 -0600
- From: brcummin@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Bill Cummins)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #127
- In article <36c0h1$kit@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- wrote:
- > Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 18:19:09 -0500
- > From: sfkaplan@amherst.edu (Scott Kaplan)
- > Subject: Common Ground
- >
- > Does anyone know anything about a program named "Common Ground". I've
- We've used Common Ground for some limited publishing and we've always
- hoped to more widely distribute it. I'm also looking into using a www
- server and html, by using print-to-pict and .gif converter to create .gifs
- for mosaic.
- Check out two documents by ftp or gopher to and look in the
- ISUIR:retention directory for a file with common ground, and www to
- (Mosaic?) to see the .gif style.
- >
- > Scott Kaplan
- > sfkaplan@amherst.edu
- --
- Bill Cummins, 3490 Planning, Policy Studies and Information Systems
- Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-3490
- brcummin@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 20:07:15 -0300
- From: coler@nbnet.nb.ca (Roger Cole)
- Subject: LaserWriter 630 Printer
- I have been using a 630 since they were introduced and have been very
- satisfied with output and performance (my reference would be a II NT). I
- put a bigger drive in my PowerBook and placed the 80 MB drive from it into
- the 630. It works well, but I believe I have to keep copies of my
- postscript printer files on my computer's hard drive because Adobe Type
- manager needs them to draw the screen fonts. Is this correct...and is there
- any way around this? Thanks in advance for replies.
- Roger Cole
- School District 6
- P.O. Box 820
- 70 Hampton Road
- Rothesay, NB CANADA
- E2E 5A8
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 20:30:52 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Traci J. Ingram" <tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us>
- Subject: Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted (reply)
- > Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 07:44:30 -0700 (PDT)
- > From: Richard Lim <rlim@well.sf.ca.us>
- > Subject: Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted
- > Further to my query about the Select 360, I'd also appreciate some
- > feedback on the Laserwriter Pro 630. The Select 360, it turns out, has
- > one big drawback from our point of view: you can't attach a SCSI hard
- > disk (or can you?). So it looks like we might go for the 630 instead.
- > Thanks.
- Richard,
- Our school has had good luck with the L/W Pro 630 in an all-Mac setting,
- using the printer's built-in ethernet. However, I am fairly certain that
- we will experience "manual hair loss" after adding DOS/Windoze clients:
- The 630 apparently must be explicitly changed back and forth (via
- software commands) between each different-protocol print job -- instead of
- being automatically re-configured, as is done with most competing printers
- in this price category.
- This is a fine printer with one serious -- and perhaps fatal --
- shortcoming.
- Regards,
- Traci J. Ingram
- tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us | or | 101-8673@MCIMail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 14:53:30 -0800
- From: kee@kagi.com (Kee Nethery +1 408 974 7889)
- Subject: Mac IIci cache cards (A)
- >I'm thinking about buying a cache card for my Mac IIci.
- >There is the Apple's, sold at $49: it has 32K of ram.
- >But Peripheral Outlet sells a ci cache card at $ 125: is that card
- >provided with more memory: 64K? or a wonderful 128K?
- I purchased a 2ci cache card a while back and from what I recall, all the
- magazine reviews at the time pretty much said the same thing, it's not too
- important how big it is but rather that you have one. Their timing tests
- showed that they all provided about the same performance boost. So I'd say
- get the cheapest.
- Kee Nethery
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 14:51:42 -0400
- From: glgesm@engr.psu.edu (Gary L. Gray)
- Subject: MacMakeIndex (R)
- > Where can I find a copy of MacMakeIndex to build the index of
- > my latest latex book on my mac?
- > Francois
- Here is where you can find it:
- ftp://pip.shsu.edu//tex-archive/systems/mac/macmakeindex2.12.sea.hqx
- --
- Gary L. Gray | Engineering Science & Mechanics
- Assistant Professor | Penn State University
- --
- Gary L. Gray | (814) 863-1778
- Assistant Professor | (814) 863-7967 (fax)
- Engineering Science & Mechanics | glgesm@engr.psu.edu
- Penn State University | AOL: GLGray
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 14:17:06 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Rob 'Doc' Walker" <UN041424@WVNVAXA.WVNET.EDU>
- Subject: MacWEEK News article retrieval
- Does anyone know where I can retrieve the text of MacWEEK News
- articles (aside from commercial on-line services)?
- Rob 'Doc' Walker
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 16:49:14 +0100
- From: Mike Brudenell <pmb1@tower.york.ac.uk>
- Subject: Network names and RevRdist
- We are using RevRdist to keep "clean" a set of Macs in an open access
- classroom. As part of the cleaning process the files on the local hard
- disks get replaced (if necessary) by fresh copies from a file server.
- All well and good, but one of the files that gets replaced is "System"
- and, stored in here, is the "Macintosh Name" (as normally set by the
- Sharing Setup control panel).
- This means that each Mac ends up thinking it has the same name as the
- others which causes slight problems when it tries to place itself on the
- network (it finds the name is already in use, so tries to find a suffix
- to append to the name to make it unique).
- This wouldn't matter so much, except we'd like to be able to check whether
- any given Mac is up or not. With their names changing at every reboot
- this becomes impossible.
- So what do other sites using RevRdist do about this? Do you have some
- sneaky way of setting the name of the Mac using an Extension or something?
- Any help very gratefully received!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mike Brudenell E-mail: pmb1@unix.york.ac.uk
- The Computing Service Phone: (+44) 1904 433811
- University of York FAX: (+44) 1904 432767
- Heslington
- York YO1 5DD U.K.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 16:12:50 +0100
- From: Mike Brudenell <pmb1@tower.york.ac.uk>
- Subject: Network names and RevRdist
- We are using RevRdist to keep "clean" a set of Macs in an open access
- classroom. As part of the cleaning process the files on the local hard
- disks get replaced (if necessary) by fresh copies from a file server.
- All well and good, but one of the files that gets replaced is "System"
- and, stored in here, is the "Macintosh Name" (as normally set by the
- Sharing Setup control panel).
- This means that each Mac ends up thinking it has the same name as the
- others which causes slight problems when it tries to place itself on the
- network (it finds the name is already in use, so tries to find a suffix
- to append to the name to make it unique).
- This wouldn't matter so much, except we'd like to be able to check whether
- any given Mac is up or not. With their names changing at every reboot
- this becomes impossible.
- So what do other sites using RevRdist do about this? Do you have some
- sneaky way of setting the name of the Mac using an Extension or something?
- Any help very gratefully received!
- Mike Brudenell E-mail: pmb1@unix.york.ac.uk
- The Computing Service, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD U.K.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 21:43:17 +1000
- From: DAVID.D.F.O'KEEFE@BHPMELMSM.BHP.bhpmel04.telememo.au
- Subject: Newton mailing list
- Some time ago I posted a query to this forum asking about the existence of a
- Newton mailing list. Some people wrote to me and asked me to pass on my answers
- however I subsequently deleted (accidentally) the file I stored these addresses
- in.
- I did eventually find a Newton mailing list so anyone requiring the address
- should E-Mail me at the address below.
- David O'Keefe --> Internet: david.d.f.o'keefe@msm.bhp.com.au
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 13:51:47 -0400
- From: by303@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jay L. Cross)
- Subject: Problem printing large files
- In brief, a non-profit group I work with has a problem printing large
- files. The specifics:
- They've got an LC, two LCIIs (8 or 10 meg) and a PM 6100 (8 meg), all on an
- AppleTalk backbone, using System 7 (7.01 tuned on the LCs, 7.1.2 on the PM)
- file sharing. There are two laser printers - an NEC SilentWriter 95 with
- extra RAM (don't know how much) and a T.I. MicroLaser Pro 600 PS23
- (standard RAM). The problem is with a FileMaker Pro (FMP) DB with about
- 8500 records. Once a month they print mailing labels on the NEC from all
- records in the DB. This is by far the largest document they print. This
- is printed from the PM, which is where the DB file is located (internal 160
- meg, lots of free space). BTW, we had no problem with this at all until
- the DB exceeded about 7100 records.
- The problem: when the print job is run, only 300 to 1000 labels (there are
- 20 per page) will print. At that point, the status panel on the NEC
- indicates the printer is "waiting", which eventually changes to "ready".
- Both the PM and the printer seem to "think" the job is finished. When
- using Printmonitor, I discovered, in the Print Monitor Items folder in the
- System folder, that the icon for the print job eventually changes from the
- "document" icon, to one with a large "X" through it. Printing with
- PrintMonitor off eliminates this, of course, but the complete job still
- won't print.
- After a lot of trial and error, I finally decided that the problem was with
- FileMaker Pro, and called Claris. The first tech. person offered the
- ridiculous solution of printing the file 300 records at a time, because
- that was FMP's limit. I posted a (mild) flame on C.S.M.Databases, and
- later received a call from someone else at Claris. He suggested buying and
- installing the LW 8.1.1 package, and doubling PrintMonitor's memory
- partition. This was done, with no success. Another call to Claris
- resulted in a repeat of the earlier suggestion - just print a few hundred
- records at a time.
- Now, however, after working with some very large HyperCard stacks, and
- finding that they, too, won't print, I think the problem is not with FMP,
- but with large files generally. The HyperCard stack, about 5.5 meg, won't
- print at all, although the NEC displays "processing" for a while, then
- changes to "waiting" or "ready" without producing paper. We've not printed
- these large jobs on the TI, because it's nasty paper path is not
- label-friendly (we use a "straight through" tray on the NEC). We've tried
- lots of things, like setting FMP to single-user, taking the PM and the NEC
- off the network and directly connecting them, increasing the memory
- partition of FMP (or HyperCard), quitting all apps but the one printing,
- etc. BTW, the FMP and HC files used only Courier (TrueType), upper case.
- Note that smaller docs, like word processor docs from MS Works,
- several-page PageMaker docs, etc. print just fine.
- Sorry for the length of this - I wanted to provide as much info as
- possible. Anybody had this problem (or similar) and solved it? Any hints
- would be much appreciated. Respond here or directly to me, as you prefer.
- --
- Jay Cross CROSS Resources (216) 286-8282 by303@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 13:51:32 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Peter Hoo <PETER@servms.fiu.edu>
- Subject: Strange sounding 660AVs
- Hello,
- I have 10 new Macintosh 660AVs with 500MB hard drives. When they are powered
- up it sounds like the hard drive starts up, slows down, and then speeds back
- up again. The monitor light goes out during the slow down process. They all
- do it. I would like to know if anyone else has this problem, if it is a
- problem that is.
- Peter
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 23:10:11 -0700 (PDT)
- From: "Dave Valentine;GS 2012;3471" <dwv@magic.geol.ucsb.edu>
- Subject: Sys 7.5 &CTB VT100 bug, or Duo problem
- I have had the misfortune of upgrading to system 7.5 at the same time I
- got a modem (inexpensive external) for my duo. I have a problem with
- getting the vt100 tool to send the proper escape sequences for the arrow
- keys on keyboard. The arrow keypad menus send the proper keystrokes.
- I'm curious to know if this is a system 7.5 problem, a comm toolbox vt100
- tool problem, or a duo problem.
- I've tried different comm toolbox programs, replacing the vt100 tool, and
- disabling nearly all extensions.
- Equipment: Duo 230, Duo dock, MDS 144 modem, VT100 1.02, system 7.5
- Hopefully someone else knows the answer.
- dave valentine
- dwv@magic.ucsb.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1994 00:38:43 -0000
- From: karldt@news.delphi.com (KARLDT@DELPHI.COM)
- Subject: system 7.5 heap
- Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
- >I recently installed System 7.5 without Powertalk and QuickdrawGX on my
- >PowerBook 180c. At startup the system consumes 3.6Mb but as I work on my
- >computer the system slowly grows. After an hour it is up to 4.6 Mb. Is
- >this a bug? What's going on? System 7.1 did not seem to do this. Thanks.
- I know this is only suppose to work on PowerMacs, but when I had the
- problem I turned VM on and didn't happen anymore. The strangest thing is
- that my computer (well my accelerator) doesn't even support VM.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 12:25:13 PST
- From: "Tim D. Castle" <tim.castle@mtv.gtegsc.com>
- Subject: VM on PowerMacs
- Okay, I may have missed this FAQ, but I'll endure the loathing somehow...
- Do a "Get Info" on a native or fat application on a PowerMac with Virtual
- Memory
- OFF. At the bottom, you'll see it say something to the effect of "Memory
- requirements will decrease by <some big-dog number> if Virtual Memory is turned
- on in the Memory Control Panel." Turn VM on, and it will state the obverse:
- "Memory requirements will increase by <some big-dog number> if Virtual Memory
- is
- turned off in the Memory Control Panel."
- Can anyone explain why this is true? It's a real pain if you get a PowerMac
- with
- 16 MB of RAM and a 250 MB hard disk: If you don't turn on VM, your native/fat
- apps take more RAM; if you DO turn on VM, you have to soak up at least 17 MB of
- your hard disk space for the VM file; heaven forfend you should have even more
- RAM!
- -T.C.
- Tim Castle tim.castle@mtv.gtegsc.com
- End-User Computing, GTE Gov't Systems, Mountain View, CA
- Did I state an opinion? Well, it's mine, not my company's!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 08:27:46 EST
- From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317)230-4791/Allison Engine
- Company)
- Subject: Warbling speech manager voices
- Responding to:
- > Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 12:13:56 EDT
- > From: derrick@frank.harvard.edu (Derrick Bass)
- >
- > I hope this isn't a FAQ, but here goes. . .
- > I have a Mac IIsi, souped up to 25MHz. Yet with all that incredible
- > power ;-) most of the Speech Manager voices seem to warble:
- > I perceive a tiny pause in the speech every second or so.
- > The giant voices, Agnes, Victoria, and Bob (?) don't seem to have this
- > problem, even in their smaller incarnations.
- >
- > Any suggestions?
- Don't know that this will help you, but it may help others:
- I've got a new Performa 630CD that briefly suffered from this same
- problem (a 68LC040 at 33 MHz). What troubled me most was that I had
- just installed the latest version of Macintalk Pro/Speech Manager a
- few days earlier, and everything sounded beautiful. What had I just
- changed?... Ah... Trying to pin down a problem I was having with
- another piece of software, I had just recently turned off the 040
- cache. Turned it back on, rebooted, and the voices were back to
- normal.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 15:42:00 -0400
- From: mingo@panix.com (Charlie Mingo)
- Subject: World Script (A)
- Hassan_Abu-Hassanyn.El_Segundo@xerox.com writes:
- >I heard that World Script is available from Apple, but I cannot seem to
- >find it anywhere on their ftp.support.apple.com, any clues to the path.
- WorldScript enabling technology is built into System 7.1, but to actually
- use a non-roman script you would need the appropriate language kit, which I
- believe you have to purchase.
- I have seen the Japanese and Chinese language kits on sale for $190 each.
- I haven't seen any mention of Arabic or Hebrew, but I heard you can get
- them from Nisus for $40 a pop.
- >Also I tried retrieving
- >pub/Apple SW Updates/Macintosh/Supplemental System Software/QuickTime
- >(1.6.1).hqx, just to see if I can retrieve, the ftp I am using (ftptool, sun,
- >unix) claims the file is not there, I must be missing something, any ideas?
- I don't think you've spelled the name correctly, as I don't recall those
- parenthesis signs. Why not use a regular ftp clinet (eg, /usr/ucb/ftp) and
- see if it works. It sounds like you haven't got ftptool configured
- correctly, but that is really beyond the scope of the info-mac digest.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 03:58:31 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: WriteNow4 - comments?
- Hi, all!
- In comp.sys.mac.digest I see:
- >Chris Abraham | chris@photo.com | Washington, DC
- >[Archived as /info-mac/app/write-now-4-demo.hqx; 597K]
- Any good? Please send me your comments.
- Sven
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 00:16:49 -0700 (PDT)
- From: AUNENJ@PLU.edu
- Subject: Xyplex/TIA/SLIP: Problems sending Eudora email, Mosaic freezes (Q)
- I have a question regarding TIA and InterSLIP. I am accessing a Sun
- SparcStation through Xyplex terminal servers over a 9600 bps serial
- connection. I disable software flow control (XON/XOFF) at the Xyplex
- terminal prompt and establish a SLIP connection using TIA. For the most
- part this works - Finger, Anarchie, Fetch, NCSA Telnet seem to function
- as they should.
- But there are several applications that refuse to work using this
- configuration. When I run Eudora, I am able to receive email messages,
- but when I try to send them, I get timeout errors. It starts sending the
- message and then never finishes. I tried POPMail to see if it was Eudora
- specific, and POPMail also has problems sending email.
- NSCA Mosaic and MacWeb both don't work properly. They connect to the
- remote site and then that status message says, "Sending HTTP request".
- Then the globe spins around forever. I have to do a CMD-period to break
- out, and then it says, "Unknown error."
- I am beginning to suspect that it has something to do with the Xyplex
- terminal servers and the way that TIA works. Can anyone enlighten me with
- a possible cause, and solutions? I am desperate to get this to work
- because I want to be able to send email with Eudora and use Mosaic.
- Thanks in advance.
- Nate
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
- ******************************